Saturday, 29 March 2008

A little bit of feel good.......

Ok....I know I've been a little bit lazy on the blogging front lately, with my own, and everybody elses.

I blame it on bloglines, I haven't worked out how to comment on the new posts unless I click through to the actual blog.
I tend to think, just a quick read, then I'll pop back later and leave a comment (like taking a sneaky spoonful of the dinner, before it's actually served) but mostly that never happens.
I'm a bit crap at text messages and emails too, I do the same thing, read it, and then think, I answer back in a minute, but that minute passes, and turns into and an hour, day, or even week....
Is anyone else afflicted by this disorder, or is it just me?

So sorry everyone, for being a crap blogger.... I promise I will be posting something with lots of photos, some news maybe, and just a bit of general waffle if you can bear anymore!

But in the meantime just one more lazy post please...!!!!!!

I am currently grooving to this by Jamie Lidell, who my sister introduced me to on youtube last weekend. Who'd of thought that this voice could come out of this man?


  1. Oh my God, Jamie Liddell looks just like my partner Ian 15 years ago, bit spooky!
    I've found with bloglines the easiest way to comment is to click on the title of the post and then click on "post a comment". Hope this helps. And yes, I'm definitely a procrastinator, I'm always going to do things tomorrow, which never comes!
    Julia x

  2. Good, isn't he? We like him here too!

  3. I've been a crap blogger too!

  4. Hi Jess,
    I do that too, in fact all the time, I just always end up getting side tracked.

  5. I'm liking Jamie, very funky!! He reminds me of either a band or a singer but can't think who??

  6. Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the Wireless, I hope you enjoy. The address is A hug.

  7. Fantastic UTube of Jamie! I'm going to send to my horse owning friends! My horse Janow is white, but very masculine! LOL

  8. He's so cool and soulful but looks a little nurdy lol
    Amazing voice wow.

    Thanks for that hun.


    Catherine x


Thank you so much for making the time to leave a comment. I really appreciate every one (even if I don't manage to reply to them all - I tend to get sidetracked quite easily) and it always brings a little smile to my face when I discover one in my inbox.